3 definitions by mrsmonkeybutt

An insult that combines female genitals that makes little to no sense but can be used to

1. Confuse the reciprocant enough to catch them off guard.
2.Funny lol moment
A:"You're so annoying!"

B:"Yeah! Well, you're a massive cuntboob!"

A:"What does that even mean?!?!?"
by mrsmonkeybutt March 17, 2023
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A shortenee version of the word deoderant that I use due to my inability to pronounce the actual word.
Bonus - it is so so silly.
by mrsmonkeybutt March 17, 2023
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An item of reliable information that is reported and repeated so often that is not believed to be a fact and can be seen as fictonal.
"Hey, did you hear that they made smoking marijuana legal in England?"

"I don't know why you believe that, its such a fictoid."
by mrsmonkeybutt March 17, 2023
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