56 definitions by mr.juan-derful

certain Chevy coupes manufactured from 1969-1976 with a back window that curves or "dips" inward instead of outward like most cars
I just got my Dippy-back repainted metallic green and put some 24" wheels on it, now I can really cruise in style.
by mr.juan-derful September 20, 2010
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A term Republicans and the religious right use to describe judges who make rulings based on the Constitution rather than the Bible or the Republican party platform
Free speech applies to everyone not just conservatives.
Freedom of religion applies to everyone not just Christians.
The "Equal Protection" clause of the 14th amendment applies to everyone not just white male heterosexual Christians. When courts make rulings acknowledging these simple truths Republicans call them activist judges.
by mr.juan-derful October 9, 2010
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It is a little known fact that the Twin Towers each had their own Mosque inside that were destroyed in the 9/11 attacks, it would be appropriate to refer to either of these as a "Ground Zero Mosque"
The destruction of the Ground Zero Mosques would seem to suggest that the 9/11 terrorists were not real Muslims, but were in fact enemies of Islam.
by mr.juan-derful October 16, 2010
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when someone sees a definition on Urban Dictionary they don't like so they submit the same word with a different definition
I saw a definition for Obamafication that I didn't like so I had to submit a rebuttal definition.
by mr.juan-derful November 11, 2010
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a term used to point out the absurdity of contradictory statements made by republitard obama bashers
Tea Partier: " Obama is just like Hitler and Stalin"

Me: "WTF, Hitler and Stalin were enemies at opposite ends of the political spectrum, Hitler was from the extreme far right and Stalin was from the extreme far left. Saying somebody is like Hitler AND Stalin is like calling somebody a virgin-slut!
by mr.juan-derful July 15, 2010
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California Republican elected in 1968 as America's 37th president
President Nixon is most remembered for the Watergate scandal which caused him to resign in disgrace, however Nixon had many other notable accomplishments. Nixon was the first U.S. president to officially recognize China's communist government. The Nixon administration created OSHA and the EPA. Nixon supported organized labor and affirmative action.
by mr.juan-derful February 16, 2011
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