2 definitions by mr jack daniel

the place in which a smacktard should be thrown, where they can be constantly beaten into leaning basic british geography until they are able to recite numerous times "the lake district is not in scotland and i have been a retard for thinking so, and i also have a tiny penis"(lol). these places are usually full of strange looking creatures that tend to go by the name of 'Miller'. loony bins are often situated in a place that is so remote these 'millers' cannot harm society in anyway.
Miller, you be a smacktard and belong in a 'loony bin'
Miller, how have you survived so long without the men in white coats thrwing you in a 'loony bin'??!!
by mr jack daniel February 6, 2006
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a person who is seen to be special and mentally retarded. they are easily idenifiable by the lack of common sense and geographical knowledge eg. the lake district is in scotland. they will also repeatidly ask you to pass them their imaginary rifle when encountered with a fox or similar creature. you are recommended not to approach one for the fact that they will cling to you like a leech until death do you part.
MILLER the lemon is a smacktard
Miller you a smacktard
by mr jack daniel December 19, 2005
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