2 definitions by mr loldem

A person who displays or shares tendancies, behaviours, and characteristics with a mouse.

If someone is acting this way, the natural thing to do is to point at this person while saying 'maaaaaaaaaaw', so that the person is aware that they have acted in a timid way that shows no backbone in the situation they find themselves in.
He is definately a maw.

This place is full of maws.

I am drowning in maw.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaw (while pointing at culprit)
by mr loldem April 5, 2011
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The first poo of the day, and therefore your breakfast exit.
'My brexit pattern runs like clockwork, 8:30am every morning without fail.'

'The first thing I do when I arrive at work is to take my brexit, then grab a coffee, and then I am ready for business.'
by mr loldem October 20, 2019
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