3 definitions by mpgchgo

A subset of "clickbait," the extremely easy quiz that people get perfect scores on, then post to social media to explain that it was easy.
I feel compelled to tell you all about this easybait so that all of you will visit this site, verify my claim, increase their click-count and allow them to charge higher advertising rates.
by mpgchgo September 25, 2014
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A subset of "clickbait," the internet quiz that yield highly improbable yet flattering results, prompting the quiz-taker to post to social media ponder how such results were determined.
I feel compelled to tell you all about this flatterbait that told me I was as sexy as (current celebrity sex symbol name) so that all of you will visit this site, verify the unlikely yet flattering results, increase their click-count and allow them to charge higher advertising rates.
by mpgchgo September 4, 2015
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A term to dismiss the fallacious reasoning that any morally unjustifiable behavior is excusable because "all sides do it" or "both sides do it," even when that is not the case, or when one side commits the offense much more frequently than the other.
"Your claim that 'both sides do it' is a bunch of sidesies nonsense. If it is wrong, it is wrong."
by mpgchgo March 12, 2021
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