1 definition by mozzy-o

1. When you know what you're saying is bullshit but you're going to present it as your version of reality anyways even if it is contrary to first hand accounts, photographic evidence, reputable reporting sources, and verifiable numbers given by things such as ticket sales or public transportation data

2. An attempt to gaslight the population in an effort to control the media and create propoganda by substituting something beneficial to the regime instead of reporting verifiable truths that paint a negative light on a subject.
"In an interview on NBC's 'Meet the Press,' host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that 'this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.'
'You're saying it's a falsehood. And they're giving -- Sean Spicer, our press secretary -- gave alternative facts,' she said.
Todd responded: 'Alternative facts aren't facts, they are falsehoods.' "
by mozzy-o January 22, 2017
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