2 definitions by monotox

Thinking that "Tums" (An antacid is any substance that counteracts stomach acidity) are a highly dangerous and highly addictive drug. Knows side effects of being a dictum are the grating of cherry flavored Tums and snorting them through the nose. Most people also consider these people unworthy of being called intellectuals and therefore pronounced "dicks" instead.

Dick + Tum = Dictum
Little did Timmy Gonzales' mother know but her willingness to expose her son to Tums lead to a habit that later expanded into a form of addiction leading to a complete collapse of his social life and the permanent title of dictum.

"I wonder if Timmy's girlfriend knows what a dictum he is"
by monotox March 1, 2005
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A term used by members of the #Whores chatroom on DeviantART to let the administrators know of their departure in the near future. The Administrator then uses the "kick" command (the pimping cane of dAmn) and write a polite/impolite gesture to them.
<s-ymphonic> kickplz.
*s-ymphonic was kicked by primus (have a nice day)
by monotox March 1, 2005
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