1 definition by monkylover

The hottest sexiest mf you will ever meet. He is oh so caring and so sweet, Monky will make the most out of your life without even trying. When they enter the room, everyone is racing to talk to Monky. They will literally wrestle each other to try to talk to Monky because that's how cool Monky is. They will literally perform arson to talk to Monky because that's how supportive Monky is. If you ever meet a Monky in your life put a ring on it!!!

She say do you love me
I tell her i am monky.
Person 1: Oh my gosh who is that hot amazing funny and ripped BEAST?

Person 2: You didn't know? That's Monky.
Person 1: Oh my gosh I'm going to talk to Monky.
Person 2: No I'm going first! Back off! I have a taser
Person 1: B*TCH I called him first!! I never liked you.
Person 2: Hah i was only pretending to be your friend anyway.
Person 1: You're lying.
Person 2: You think I actually care about your friendship? I was only friends with you so I seemed more popular so I could talk to Monky.
Person 1: Let's fight.
*Person 1 and 2 aggressively fighting over Monky*
by monkylover March 12, 2021
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