1 definition by monkeysareincredibleandamazing

Anishka may be an Indian name, but it doesn't have to be. You can be whatever you want with this name. You can be an armadillo, a pigeon, a parrot, an anything. She is also so amazing and the smartest person alive. There is no one smarter than her. She should not be allowed to walk on the ground, since she is basically god. If you know an Anishka, consider yourself lucky. Like damn man, I wish I knew an Anishka
Person 1: I want to know an Anishka right now, I knew one when I was younger, but Anishka is basically god
Person 2: haha loser I know an Anishka.

Person 1: I'm gonna throw you out of a window because I'm so jealous
by monkeysareincredibleandamazing October 25, 2020
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