3 definitions by monikawithak

(adj.) a word used to describe one who is acting pirate-like at a time when it is unsuitable to do so.

(n.) one who is being pirate like at a time when it is unsuitable to do so.
She's being such an inappropirate! It is neither Talk like a Pirate day, nor Halloween! Who does she think she is?
by monikawithak February 4, 2010
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For breakfast on Sunday my mother made the most delicious omnomnomelets for my family.
by monikawithak September 6, 2010
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In a musical ensemble, when the number of brass instruments increases significantly in a short period of time.

In musical notation, when, after a period of rest, the brass section emerges with gusto.

Brass players are awesome.
The pep band was poor in brass for a long time, but last year there were a ton of awesome trombone-playing freshmen, and it became a brassgasm.
by monikawithak October 23, 2010
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