1 definition by mo0nman321

Queen (or King) of the Clan Tooshie. Mother (or Father) of trouser-dragons. Chain-er of the stain-poopie to the bed throne. Dookiest of the Dookies - Tooshiest of the Tooshies - Mookiest of the Mookies - and Cooookiest of the Coooookies.

aka: Toosh Patrol; Tooshzilla; Dookie Dook of the Tooshie Toosh; Poopie Poop of the Poopie Poop; Dook-gina with the Poos-so-Shine-a; Little Boobie Nigga; Poop; Boob; Poop-to-da-Poop-Poop; Toosh-to-da-Dook-Dook; "ET CETERA!!!"
(1) I've missed you very much so, Dookie Tooshie.
(2)Little Dookie Tooshie - short and stout - you have a little nugget - that's about to sprout!
by mo0nman321 August 21, 2017
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