1 definition by missmiss

A best friend. She may be hard to understand at first, but once you take the time to get to know her she will always be a person you turn to. Her greatest achomplishment in life is living, as far as she knows, and to others it is her greatest achomplishment too, because if she wasn't living they would have never met her. She loves the attention of boys and is always caught flirting even when she simply thinks of that boy as a friend. She has a memory like no other and tell her your birthday once and she will be wishing you a happy birthday until you die. She has a pashion for singing and her beauty always finds a way to shine through. She always goes by Alex but when introducing herself she always calls herself Alexandra.
Boy: Who is that girl over there?

Girl: Oh thats Alexandra
by missmiss May 25, 2013
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