1 definition by missNESSA ♥

Someone who has not had sex yet. Which, by the way, is not a bad thing. It's embarassing at first, when you tell your friends but it makes you feel really good about yourself. Later on in your life, you will find someone who you'll appreciate & love and will respect the fact that you are a virgin. There are so many scandolous girls, so being a virgin makes you special. Especially if you're really pretty. You're pretty much innocent :)

Your virginity is delicate & precious! Don't just give it out.
BOY: Have you ever had sex yet?
GIRL: No, I'm still a virgin.
BOY: ...WOW! That's crazy
GIRL: I know. I'm waiting for the right person & the right time.
by missNESSA ♥ July 19, 2009
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