2 definitions by mikeneusch

basically, to cut oneself. engraving is the same thing as cutting, it's just another word for it. one might use it instead of the word "cut" to keep their self-mutilating habits a secret. this word is not too well known but it's gonna be a hit once everyone starts using it.
Yo dude, I feel like engraving right now. (nobody will get it..see?!)

"dude, that hurt my feelings", "go engrave, you pussy"
by mikeneusch December 30, 2005
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basically, to cut oneself. engraving is the same thing as cutting, it's just another word for it. one might use it instead of the word "cut" to keep their self-mutilating habits a secret. this word is not too well known but it's gonna be a hit once everyone starts using it.
Yo dude, I feel like engraving right now. (nobody will get it..see?!)

"dude, that hurt my feelings", "go engrave, you pussy"
by mikeneusch December 30, 2005
Get the engrave mug.