3 definitions by mihirchronicles

When you pay for one movie at a theatre but walk out watching two or more movies. Moofing is when theifing a movie at a movie theatre.
Mike and Jessica were caught moofing at a movie theatre.
by mihirchronicles August 28, 2016
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When you pay for one movie at a theatre but walk out watching two or more movies. Moofing is when theifing a movie at a movie theatre.
Mike and Jessica were caught moofing at a movie theatre.
by mihirchronicles August 28, 2016
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When you pay for one movie at a theatre but walk out watching two or more movies. Moofing is when theifing a movie at a movie theatre.
Mike and Jessica were caught moofing at a movie theatre.
by mihirchronicles August 28, 2016
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