2 definitions by methamphetaQUEEN

Why am I cutting my grass with kitchen scissors you ask? As you can see, I had to dissassemble all seven of my lawn mowers. Then I ran out of cupcakes and fell asleep before I can put them back together and I cant touch them anymore because the illuminati has been crop dusting us with their lucifarian chemtrails and I cant let them hack into my biometric database with the nanobot spyware programs that they put in the chemtrails.
by methamphetaQUEEN March 17, 2018
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Term used by certain police officers in a feeble attempt to interrogate their Spanish speaking victims in hopes of siezing some paraphernalia or large amounts of cash during traffic stops
"Tenny mucho mucho diniro en su trucky-trailer?"
by methamphetaQUEEN August 9, 2018
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