2 definitions by meangreenmememachine

A player, a man who sleeps with many women or has done so in the past.

Origin: the poem "Birches" by Robert Frost where there is a line that goes "one could do worse than be a swinger of birches" but someone swapped birch for bitch and a new slang phrase was born.
Greg is a total swinger of bitches, he slept with Tara and Meghan in the one night. What the hell?
by meangreenmememachine July 18, 2016
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An alcoholic beverage with a sweet, pleasant taste. The phrase is most commonly associated with Orchard Thieves' Cider and originates in Dublin.
After a long hard day it's nice to unwind and drink god's breastmilk.
by meangreenmememachine July 18, 2016
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