3 definitions by me_lancholy

Has many versions of himself, Fedora Rylle, Pringles Rylle, etc. He is also very kinky and has a dirty humour, He's romantic towards his crush and well..Can be very noisy near his friends. He can be very generous and kind too. He is one of a kind.
"Oh look! It's Rylle and his girlfriend!"

"Silly..That's just his crush. he's just very romantic near his crush."
by me_lancholy August 28, 2019
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smol child, cute but can be angry real quick. but she's a real sweetheart and cares for her friends, sometimes, she can be a dick too. but nonetheless, a nice girl.
"Whose that small cutie?"

"That's Sophia, And please, She's a raging ball of softness."
by me_lancholy August 27, 2019
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That moody girl who'd wear hoodies, She's pretty and got a lot of boys to like her, Except she doesn't know. She can be smart but she doesn't care at all, She's shy outside but in the inside, Wild and Sassy. She usually throws dirty jokes here and there, But nonetheless, She is THAT type of girl.
"Why is she so moody?"

"Nah, She's just being Eliana."
by me_lancholy August 26, 2019
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