262 definitions by max

There are several types of religions on this planet. Each as crazy as the next. People believe in all different kinds of higher powers or Gods. Why is YOURS the right one? Christianity for example is ruining the united states. The Bible is in essence of a book of magic and miracles. In the stories of the Bible, God talked to people, and miracles happened, why doesnt that happen anymore today? Because it never happened, and the Bible was written by man. One last thing...consider this, there are a growing number of people who believe that we descend from alien life(me not being one of them), and you may laugh at that theory. But there is a mountain of evidence(even evidence documented by the U.S. government, yes it's true. Don't believe me? Well it's certainly out there) pointing to the existance of extra-terestrial life compared to the NO evidence of the existance of God. That is all.
The opium of the masses.
by max January 14, 2005
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A product used for penis enlargement.
I went to the store to buy Maximus so I could impress my girlfriend in the sack
by max March 30, 2004
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adj.-a man in a relationship who lets the woman take complete control
nasser would b the most pucci kid in our grade if he could get a girlfriend
by max November 14, 2003
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a guy who lets the girl take complete control in the relationship, he's her biatch
nasser is pucci, if he could get a girlfriend
by max November 14, 2003
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Unusually small Mexican genitalia, specifically the penis.
Christy told her friend Rachel that she had fun on her date with Rich Diaz, but that she wouldn't be seeing him again because of his picaco.
by max March 31, 2003
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