1 definition by mattjames

The only place you’ll find 6 fucking pizza places on a street that stretches under one mile. Full of stoners and weirdos. One spot it’s flat as shit and the other it’s hilly as fuck. Kinda built like a flat girl with big titties. Pretty much the poor version of ML, and has a goofy looking high school with a bunch of weirdos and people trying to have a good time. Stoner Central (pretty much everyone you meet under the age of 10 has hit a joint) Literally nobody south 5 miles of here knows that Boonton exists.
Hey Jerry wanna go to Romas in Boonton?

Jerry: How about Pasqualles?

Wait how about TOTP?

Jerry: Actually Vinnies sounds good

Never mind we’ll just go to Resivoir Tav.

Jerry: Arent they all on the same fucking street?

by mattjames April 6, 2022
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