2 definitions by mars8506

this is a month where if u ask a question or ur crush out they say NO or just say no i general. if u born on this month ur GAY and cold hearted but lovable at the same time
guy: he i really like u wanna go out with me?

girl: uhhh NO i am gay, plus it is NOvember sorry not sorry!
by mars8506 October 22, 2020
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an Asher is a person who is a dirty minded person and but cares about u till it comes to popularaltiy he will dicth u.
if u ever met one keep him close tll ur popular and dicth him.
popularness: hey i could make u popular

Asher: sure what do i have to do?
popularness: dicth ur friend and be a badboy.
Asher: cool okey i will totally do that
by mars8506 October 23, 2020
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