1 definition by mariolikestoparty

A word to describe a Mormon missionary who can’t stop thinking about home. Pejorative; seen as a negative quality.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) require their young men to serve full-time missions, usually from age 18-20. During this time, they cannot meet with their family; they are supposed to focus on missionary work.

It is looked down on to think wistfully of home; ‘trunky’ refers to your luggage trunk, and is a reference to packing your bags and going home.

Trunky is usually reserved for missionaries who are close to finishing their missions and are daydreaming about normal life again.
Missionary 1: “What do you want to eat today?”
Missionary 2: “Anything but a pb&j. Those are making me trunky.”

Missionary 1: “Ayooo! This Elder is trunky!! Can’t keep your mind on the work, hey?”
by mariolikestoparty November 9, 2021
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