1 definition by macaronincheese

Healthcare professional belonging to one of the most trusted and seemingly underappreciated professions. Hospitals wouldn't run without them. If there were no nurses, many people would die. The nurse is an expert manager. Nurses have to deal with pharmacy, radiology, medicine, OR, the lab, and other nurses. Nurses put up with a lot. Nurses are smart and have to think critically. The nurse will assess your health and report changes to your doctor. The nurse will draw your labs and monitor the results. The nurse will also keep an eye on your vital signs and watch for subtle changes that may indicate a change in health status. The nurse will give you medications, know when to not give you medications, and know which medications to ask to doctor to order for you. The nurse will make sure you are safe and get better. Nurses will sit with you and really listen. They will laugh with you, cry with you, and hug you. The nurse is the ultimate patient advocate. Nurses teach their patients how to live healthier. When things start going down the drain, the nurse is usually the first to pick up on it and intervene.
by macaronincheese August 29, 2013
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