3 definitions by luckyxd

The actor who plays Scarlet Witch in the MCU. You're either a girl who is obsessed with her by thinking shes the most powerful avenger or a guy who thinks shes hot. (Which she is).
"Elizabeth Olsen is my mommy."
by luckyxd June 16, 2021
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Used as a term to describe either love or friendship. It could be used for a love interest basically saying "together forever", or a friend saying "best friends forever."
" We are 4lifers Jessica."

"Yeah we are 4lifers, together forever!"
by luckyxd June 16, 2021
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A meme of a video of the app character "Talking Tom," saying "boy what the hell boy." The meme originated on Tiktok and is mostly used when seeing something "cringy" or weird."
Video of band kid saying some cringy weird stuff, * "Boy what the hell boy" meme appears *
by luckyxd June 16, 2021
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