1 definition by lonesomehunter

A damn near perfect girl that is beautiful, smart, and a heartbreaker. full of love and ready to cheer you up whenever you need it. if you ever lose her you have nothing less....
Ex: man I lost her and now I feel like I have nothing less. she was my everything. the reason I got up everyday and the reason I smiled everyday..... and now she's............ she's gone. She was the best thing I ever had and I will never get her back and it's all my fault. All I had to do was make her happy and I failed

Friend: i'm sorry man. she is one hell of a girl but I never fell in love with her so I have no clue what you're going through. it will be ok.

Ex: nothing will ever be ok again..... I miss Makenzie
by lonesomehunter December 21, 2017
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