1 definition by lollylolly2010

A horrible, horrible small town in East Tennessee, also known as Hicktown. Everyone knows everyone's business. It's hard to keep anything from anyone in Clinton. Everyone's either on meth, smokes pot, crack, pregnant, or all the above. It's a town full of shit talkers, those who will never say it to your face. Two high schools, a middle school, and a few elementary schools. It's a horrible place to attend any school, and I wish you good luck in the future if you're from here, likely you will have no future. Lots of fake people. Everyone ends up working at McDonalds, Food City, Ingles, or Kmart, there is no escape. No where to hang but Hoskins, the center, McDonalds, or the Wal Mart parking lot. No one here speaks proper English. A common town for your husband/wife/bf/gf to sleep with their cousin's sister's mother's daughter's brother. Trust me, you don't want to be here.
job interviewer:Where'd you graduate from high school?
a sad Clinton kid:Clinton.
job interviewer:Ohh..........next?
by lollylolly2010 January 12, 2011
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