1 definition by lolitaxaxgogo

A type of Japanese Street Style which started in the 80's.However,it's populairty reached its peak in 2004.The Lolita style is influenced greatly by the Rococo period and by the look of those Old-style dolls.When in a Lolita outfit,it is as if you are walking the line between extremely elegant and extremely distasteful.However,either side you fall on works.Most young men find Lolita fashion on girls un attractive,however,girls do not dress that way to impress boys.Girls (young-women rather) dress that way to kind of bring their fast-paced lives to a slow hault and escape to a fantasy all their own.Hence why it is all so princess-like and doll-like.Infact,most girls in Japan are teased for being a Lolita.But regardless,Lolitas value their clothes above all else.
Lolita fashion is the attitude of punk rock with a petticoat thrown under the plaid skirt.And however rude this may sound,Gwen Stefani seems to know nothing of Japanese fashion.Her "twist" on Lolita is to make it look slutty which does NOT help when trying to explain to someone that there is NO relationship between Lolita fashion and sexually active young females.Sure,they took the name,but they gave it a new spelling.The reason that term was used was because when you think Lolita,automatically you think "young-girl". Rather it be a sexual thought or a thought about clothing.
One more thing;Just because someone wears a bunch of lace,too many layers to count,and an over-sized (or under-sized) head-piece does not automatically mean they are a true Lolita.Just like any other label,just because you look the part,does not mean you are genuine.Lolita is about starting your own little reality.Lolita is about doing what YOU want,regardless to what people tell you.Lolita is being able to say "I like this" or "I dont like that" or "I will do this" or "I will not do that".Anarchy is a part of Lolita.Beauty is a part of Lolita.To become a true Lolita,you must have both the attitude and clothing to succeed.
I once had a girl in a Hot Topic-bought Lolita dress start to tell me about this "New" fashion called "Gothic Lolita" that Gwen Stefani discovered.Mind you,I had been wearing Lolita clothing to school that whole year.
by lolitaxaxgogo April 10, 2006
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