1 definition by ll Jet ll

(adj.): When a person either (1) takes a ridiculously long time to respond to a text message due to other distractions or (2) ignores his or her surroundings because he/she is too focused on texting. These seemingly conflicting meanings can never occur simultaneously.
Ex 1)
You: Hey!
Sheila: Hey, dude.
You: I love you!
You: Hello?
(5 hours later) Sheila: Oops! Sorry! I love you, too...I was just textracted.

Ex 2)
You: (watching TV) Awesome! Steve, you have to see this.
(Steve, sitting right next to you, doesn't respond; he's too busy texting)
You: Steve?
You: Steve!
Steve: Oh, what? Sorry, I was just textracted.
by ll Jet ll February 25, 2011
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