1 definition by lilliebreath

Fujoshi”, the romanization of the word 腐女子 (“rotten woman”), is a homophonic pun with the word 婦女子 (“respectable woman”). It was originally created by men and used against women, saying that they (the women) "weren't suitable for marriage", as said women enjoyed BL (Boy’s Love), a japanese genre of fictional queer media. The term then was reclaimed by said women and now simply means "a woman who enjoys BL". Male and gender-neutral/non-binary equivalents of the word were also created ("fudanshi", for men who enjoy BL, and "fujin", for gender-neutral/non-binary people who enjoy BL).
In the western part of the world, however, the "fujoshi" term is being falsely accused of meaning "(straight) women who fetishize queer men", thus ignoring the misogynistic and homophobic origins of the word, as well as ignoring how many people discovered themselves as queer men through reading/watching BL.
Emma: "That episode from Sasaki to Miyano was so cute! You really need to watch this anime."
Hana: "Sasaki to Miyano? I have already watched it. I didn’t know you liked it, too! Are you also a fujoshi?"

Yuri: "My sister was called a fujoshi today on the internet, do you know what that means?"
Alex: "As far as I know, fujoshis are girls who like that gay comics from Japan."
Yuri: "Strange. That user who called her a fujoshi seemed to be insulting her. Why would liking some gay romance be bad? And why is there even a word just about liking a certain type of romance?"
by lilliebreath February 4, 2023
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