1 definition by lil' pizzel

One of the most boring places on Earth. To have any fun you must travel to the next town. However, luckily we are right across the river from Phildelphia so South Street is a regular hangout. If you wanna spend your Friday and Saturday night hanging out in Mcdonalds parking lot then this is definetly your heaven. Harassing of Friendly's waitresses is something that MUST be done when you are either high or drunk (I should know I work there) The high school is know as Heroin High and considering our close proximity to Camden its easy to understand why. All C-town kids understand that a trip to the local diner at 3am is not something out of the ordinary, but yet again that is the MOST exciting thing to do in this town.
the typical C-Town night

Kid 1: What ya wanna do?
Kid 2: I dunno what you wanna do?
Kid 1: I dunno...
...........4 hours later
Kid 1: so...what ya wanna do?
Kid 2: diner?
Kid 1: ....k
by lil' pizzel April 26, 2005
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