2 definitions by leoyaboy22

The medical condition by which vertebrates (in this case horny teenagers) are chemically attracted to each other as the result of a dispatch of gas originating from that human's asshole. Once breathed in, the teens continue to close on in each other. Once together, the male teen instantly sticks his left ring finger 17 inches up the girls mesh pussy. This results in an instant ejaculation by the female partner, and this chemical process gravitates towards the man, who then puts a coat on and does her through her rear end as if he were Swedish because it's fuckin cold up there. Once the partners are satisfied, they kill themselves.
"Oh, that guy just gave the Swedish fingers to that girl... another one down."
by leoyaboy22 January 11, 2019
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A gay teen who has legs under 2 inches in width. Usually found in Northern Iowa, this species can be difficult to encounter.
Dude I saw a skiddy humping the tree the other day in Northern Iowa.
by leoyaboy22 January 11, 2019
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