17 definitions by ksmanning

The people who creep forward 6" at a red light because the guy in front of and/or beside them just did it. The first person to start this is known as the "creep creep".
Look at all the creep sheep, squeezing out that precious 6" in the line. The light is still red! Where is there to go?
by ksmanning May 16, 2010
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The withholding of consonants in words. This is especially true of a g after -in, as in "swimmin" instead of "swimming". Also very common is the h after t, as in "dat" instead of "that". It can be taken to an extreme as in "Prez Clin" instead of "President Clinton". Consonantipation is becoming more and more common as people get lazier and lazier with both spoken and written communication.
I coon't unnerstan a woid dat person sai. Severe consonantipation.
by ksmanning August 13, 2014
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An extreme fear of a goose or geese.

It might also be a fear of being goosed.
Fiona is terrified of any geese she sees. She has anseraphobia.
by ksmanning October 15, 2012
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