9 definitions by kk5dire

The act of using a lag induced playstyle where a player will use a one hit kill ability (typically in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2) in a manor that uses lag to get the player with the said ability even after they have escaped from range.
I was in a game and got Mid Aired It was so frustrating.
Mid Airs are the worst they shouldn't be a thing!
I saw a guy get Mid Aired I felt so bad.
by kk5dire April 4, 2021
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A person in a multiplayer game who "Camps" In the drone form of their character usually never leaving spawn.

Once their drone is taken down they usually wait until they can send another one never leaving the back corners of the game.
You will most likely not see one of these players in a match unless directly fought, They will usually lose the match up due to lack of non drone knoledge.
That Drone Camper will not go out and fight he is just sitting there.
I can't stand Drone Campers he won't actually help us!
by kk5dire April 4, 2021
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