1 definition by kissgoksbutt

Commonly known as 'Smurf' 'Pisshead' and 'Ninky Nonk' , this hideous Siberian dog likes to poo and pee in his undies while drinking Red Bull and watching the rugby.

Distinguishing Features:
- Big nostrils
- Blonde pubics
- Triple chin
- Ninety year old mother
- Brother who thinks he's a dictator when really he's a tomato
Belinda: "Hey wanna get some shots tonight?"

Nicole: "No sorry I have to look after the neighbour's Russian dog Anya, he has constipation from drinking all the Red Bull. Maybe another night?"

Belinda: "No sorry I can't do any other nights, my pubics are doing Anya's and I have to shave."
by kissgoksbutt October 11, 2011
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