66 definitions by kiko

A condition in which the affected individual(s) is anywhere from mildly amusing to very exciting to be around in real life, but has no apparent redeeming values on the internet; i.e. typing "lol," using "smilies," and acting as a tardus extremus in the matters of abbreviation, humor, and spelling.
Tommy: Brian seemed somewhat cool at the party last night, but when I talked to him online...
*flashback ensues*
Tommy FArtanyan: Hey, I just added you to my buddy list.
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: who is dis
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: o tommy rite/
Tommy FArtanyan: Are you drinking?
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: wat
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: r u ther
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: th3ere**
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: thrtr*
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: godamnit lol
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: THREE*
SeXyBoI-BrIaNafnd4u: LMAO! THERE!
Tommy FArtanyan: G-gotta go!
Tommy FArtanyan signed off 12:30:22
*flashback ends*
Tommy: I guess the screen name he gave me should have given it away!
Kiko: CLASSIC case of Shamberlynn Germany Syndrome!
Tommy: ?
Kiko: *chomp*
by kiko February 4, 2004
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No longer permitted.
Using ampersands in usernames has been disallowed.
by kiko February 2, 2004
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A terminal disease in which the effected individual may experience death at any given time, usually within 80-100 years.
by kiko December 19, 2003
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1. Some...lady.
Kiko: "More like 'Foo-olian!" *guffaws*
Foo-olian: Hey...what?
Foo-olian: Shouldn't my name read "Luolian," at least in this little script?
Kiko: Sorry, FOO-OLIAN, I make the rules around here!
Foo-olian: Oh, so that's how it is.
Foo-olian: *starts to tell some inside joke, is interrupted by Kiko's hand slapping her face HARD*
by kiko February 3, 2004
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Used to express strong emotion, such as surprise, fear, anger, or pain.
Realizing what she had just said, she let out a quaint "Ipié!"
by kiko December 17, 2003
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1. Easily performed; non-challantly taken care of.

2. Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.

3. (slang) Boring, unexciting, or old-hat.
He recited Hamlet in a glib fashion.

Sandra's glib demeanor is pretty off-putting.

The baseball game today was rather glib; I hope tomorrow's game against the Yankees is more fun.
by kiko December 17, 2003
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