2 definitions by kesuki

Normally The illegitimate child of two adults concieved in a moment of passion. not to be confused with a 'child of love'
Also, a 1968 #1 hit song by The Supremes.
John and sue's affair lead to a love child, that caused sue to be spurned by her family.
last week i heard 'love child' on an oldies station, you might like it.
by kesuki September 11, 2005
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whino Noun singular. Whinoes noun plural.
1. a whino is a type of drunk, usually a hobo, who has a preference for cheap wines over the vodkas and whiskeys etc. Especially known for 'hiding' their drink of choice in a paper bag.
john was once a successful programmer before the dot bomb era, now he's just another whino sucking his life away one bottle at a time.
by kesuki January 23, 2006
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