5 definitions by kenziromayne3759

Amara is a sweet and beautiful girl. She is short and thin with soft features, blonde hair and an almost fairy-like apperance. She is the best to laugh, cry, or rant with. She is quiet but very opinionated and always has your back. She is very smart although she always doubts herself, and sometimes her laziness can get the best of her. She goes through a lot but is still a soft and loving person. She doesnt talk much if her struggles but we all know she has some. But she doesnt let it bother her or get to her and that is so brave. She is very couragous. She deserves the world!
Aww Amara you look so cute today!
by kenziromayne3759 May 8, 2019
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To love and put yourself above others. To put your feelings first and respect yourself. To not care what others think of you and to personally grow. Self-love is to love yourself and make yourself happier then anyone else could so you dont have to rely on someone else. Self-love is very important.
Wait whyd you leave him?
I need self-love. I need to love myself first.
by kenziromayne3759 May 8, 2019
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To personally grow or to have growth is to overcome something. To learn a lesson and make yourself a better person by growthing through your struggles and pains.
by kenziromayne3759 May 8, 2019
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Someone who cheats. Mostly in relationships. These are people you want to avoid, you can never trust them and dont fall for their games. They are ususally persuasive and munipluative. They hurt you and dont care so dont let them bother you.
by kenziromayne3759 May 15, 2019
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Chloe is the most amazing person youll ever meet. A Chloe is strong and independent but also extremely awkward in very social situation. Quiet, cute, talented, funny, athletic, and musical. The perfect mix of everything needed in a good friend. The best Chloes have red hair. And she is so beautiful. She is so insecure about her acene but its kind of ironic that she looks for every fault in herself when no one else ever sees them unless she points them out. She is open minded and always up to new ideas but is usually too lazy to act on any ideas. She is the most perfect person and friend and is loved so much more than she realizes. Chloe is also a hopeless romantic, but one day she will find the one and forget all her pains. She gets hurt a lot but always learns, heals, and grows. She is so strong, and i am so proud of her!
Where is Chloe?
Probably hiding in the band room again.
by kenziromayne3759 May 7, 2019
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