2 definitions by kajnsksishdndekkdpiggy

Long Beach New York. It’s the best town ever, kids ride their bikes every where all year long and go to the beach all summer. The locals are valid. But then there’s the high school it’s pretty self explanatory, the kids are high and wasted, there’s a bar on every block and a stabbing every once and a while and the middle school is wack but lemme not get into that. The kids in our town are hella creative tho. There’s even 3 12 year olds that started a wax buissness on their own and they were in stores in a month. Gino’s is lit. That’s good ol Long Beach for ya, you’re here to have a good time. Be careful tho the creeps are always out
Sally: yo wanna go to LBNY for the day
Mikey: ya but that towns kinda wack
by kajnsksishdndekkdpiggy May 13, 2019
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Why tf do you not know what a horse is , and if you don’t know what tf means it’s the fuck, you uneducated hoe
Barry: oh look it’s a horse
Larry: stfu Barry.... o shit that is a horse
by kajnsksishdndekkdpiggy March 1, 2019
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