3 definitions by kaiser Wilhelm

You need a mangina. This is basically an inverted dick, like a vag, but with no uterus or any of that shit. First, you reach into your ass and pull on your prostate gland, which, pulled with enough force, will cause your cock to come out of your ass. Then, you do a guy in the ass--from the ass.
Hannah V will give you a backwards apple if you don't watch your ass.
by kaiser Wilhelm March 29, 2005
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You need a mangina. Supposedly, with a mangina, you have a wang and a vag, but the wang is inside you. You reach into your ass and pull on your prostate gland. If you keep pulling, your cock will come out of your ass. Then, you do a guy in the ass--from the ass.
Hannah V. gave me the backwards apple.
by kaiser Wilhelm March 29, 2005
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Reference to the 2014 world cup where Germany beat Brazil 7-1 in the semi-final. This is also said to be one of the most humiliating defeats in football.
Brazil more like BRA7:1L!
by kaiser Wilhelm February 18, 2018
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