2 definitions by kahnacademy123

a name given to ur down-to-earth friend who's super squeaky, but doesn't mean to be. A quackers is normally a little, cute friends who hate it when you point out their smallness. they're like little teddy bears. A quackers is super easy to make fun of but in the end, they're the most realistic. A quackers gives the greatest advice, but is the most stubborn person in the world. on the high down, everyone needs a quackers in their life
You see that guy over there, yeah he claims he's over that girl but he's really not.
damn, poor thing
Yeah he calls himself "reformed"
by kahnacademy123 February 17, 2018
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a name given to ur down-to-earth friend who's super squeaky, but doesn't mean to be. A quackers is normally a little, cute friends who hate it when you point out their smallness. they're like little teddy bears. A quackers is super easy to make fun of but in the end, they're the most realistic. A quackers gives the greatest advice, but is the most stubborn person in the world. on the high down, everyone needs a quackers in their life
You see that guy over there, yeah he claims he's over that girl but he's really not.
damn, poor thing
Yeah he calls himself "reformed"
by kahnacademy123 February 17, 2018
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