3 definitions by justawriter

The word Marsa means "port" in Romanian. It is also an under used first name, that is often confused with Marsha. However, Marsas are rarely the average blond type. Marsas are much more likely to be intellegent, generous brunettes, with exotic and stunning good looks. They tend to have strong personalities and wil speak up and let you know they are a Marsa, not a run of the mill Marsha.
"OMG did you see that awesome woman?"

"Yeah, everyone was lookin', she's a total Marsa."

"Dude, give me an exotic brunette Marsa over an everyday blonde Marsha anytime!"
by justawriter February 3, 2010
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Love, is not all about sex. Sure, it can be, but that's not the true meaning of the word.

Love is definitely an overused word. People say "I love you," and then cheat on you or are just lying to get your money.

Love is a feeling. You don't know when you start falling into a sense of love, or emotional attachment, with a person until it is very strong already.

It makes you miss them when they are gone, and hold on tight to them when they are near. The person you're in a sense of love with makes you want to hold on and never let go. They make you feel warm, and happy, and like nothing else matters. They help you through times of struggle and rejoice with you when something amazing happens.

However, sometimes this person does not love you back. When you try to move on, all you see is them. All you think of is them.

Love can engulf you in a sense of emotions that are not all explained what they are. You don't always know how deep your love goes for someone until it is tested, by them or you.

It is different for many people, love. You can love someone for all of them, their intelligence, etc. In fact, a person could love someone with all of their heart, but not want to be with them.

(This happens for many reasons that I am not quite certain of.)
Love is not a chosen thing. Like your appearance, you can not pick and choose who you fall in love with.
Biologists have proven that a crush, after four months, is already love.
by justawriter January 3, 2015
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A sweet, caring person who never leaves your side when you need them. They will help you and care for you. This is a person who can make you smile simply by waving at you in the hallway. They are very talented musically. They are soft at heart, but always willing to protect the people they love, even if they are hurting because of them. This is someone to keep close and never give up on.
Don't give up on Reuel, because he won't give up on you.
by justawriter December 30, 2015
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