2 definitions by justanothercuber

Ariana grande is an Italian (not Mexican) american singer and song writer who has broken dozens of records in the music industry. In 2019 she had the top 3 songs of the year. and has sold millions of records and has more views on you tube then there are people on the planet. She has had to deal with hate from people for being so amazing and perfect. She also has a 7 octave vocal range.
"Hey who's that angle over there?"
by justanothercuber October 6, 2019
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The World Cube Association is the worldwide organization that regulates and holds competitions for mechanical puzzles that are operated by twisting groups of pieces, commonly known as twisty puzzles. The most famous of those puzzles is the Rubik's Cube.
by justanothercuber October 6, 2019
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