1 definition by just a wahmen

Tallis is probably the most amaing person you will ever meet, he can always bring a smile to your face even when your at your lowest point, when Tallis is present there are only ever good vibes. He has been through a lot but he is so strong minded and can push through how he feels and look at the positives, he always puts others before himself and will make sure that your okay no matter what. Not to mention Tallis' are supaa sexc ;) but also treat you with so much respect and compassion. The Tallis I know is my favourite person in the world, he is the only reason i want to wake up in the morning and push through my day, get yourselves a man like him.
Chloe: Hey i met this really sexc and sweet guy the other day, I think he said his name was Tallis.
Gabby: Yep he'd be a Tallis all right, make sure you stick around for him because he'll always be there for youu
by just a wahmen December 6, 2019
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