20 definitions by juicalicious

The shiver that travels up your spine when you have to take a huge dump. It makes your shoulders jerk and your voice will most likely crack if you are speaking. The weird thing is no one ever seems to notice.
So I was wal-KI-ni-ng..." "Aha." "Just got the shit chills. Be right back.
by juicalicious April 10, 2011
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Living corpse in suspenders. Something that should of died a long time ago, but keeps on living by sucking out the souls of his two young boys. He used to be best friends with Jesus.
"Larry King owns a talk show, and wears classy suspenders to keep from exposing his bony ass."
by juicalicious April 25, 2010
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Secret Nazi who has a church on his property and worships Grey Goose. Prefers women with sugar-tits.
"Hi, I'm Mel Gibson and I'm an alcoholic."
by juicalicious April 26, 2010
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Polish word for drunk pronounced pee-yak. They like to stand in front of grocery stores and harass you for spare change. Pijaks usually have red faces, and almost always are wearing a black ski cap that stands on top of their heads.
"That guy has a very stylish ski cap." "He's a pijak, they always wear one."
by juicalicious April 24, 2010
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Hipster society of hatred and self- admiration. Totally ironic. They hate facebook even though every single one of them has one. Like to post pictures of cats, themselves, and obscure bands. Youre not supposed to speak of tumblr, but its a public diary. Its as ironic as the fake handlebar mustaches they sport.
Tumblr is a hipsters bitch.
by juicalicious January 21, 2011
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The most annoying word ever. You'll say something that relates to your previous topic, yet they say it's random because they can't comprehen it.
"Cake is good. I just got one from the bakery, and it was chocolate."

"That was random, LMFAO."

"No, you asshole, we're still talking about cake."
by juicalicious April 25, 2010
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