3 definitions by jtrdytfuygifg

Dog Appreciation Day
They love you, so give them some luvin'.

If you don't have a dog , get one. They are perfect. They can't be corrupt, unlike humans. They're loyal, and sweet, and SO GOSH DANG ADORABLE.
You: It's October 28 puppy!
Dog: *yay*
by jtrdytfuygifg November 1, 2019
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Curse You Day

You can curse whenever you want and no one can say anything bad about it.
Person 1: ***** ***** **********
Person 2: It's July 27
by jtrdytfuygifg November 19, 2019
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Nacho Average Day

Eat Nachos and make nacho puns
Person 1: I love you in queso you didn't know.

Person 2: It's December 3rd, but it's noch-yo cheese
Person 3: Do you wanna taco 'bout it?
by jtrdytfuygifg November 19, 2019
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