3 definitions by jpfister

When you place the handle of

a maracas in a Brazilian woman's anus so when she shakes her hips you hear the shakers
Shakira came by the house and played her Brazilian maracan cornhole last night , and her hips didn't lie.
by jpfister October 30, 2020
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When you place the handle of maracas in a Brazilian woman's anus so it rattles when she shakes her hips.
My girl came by the house last night and played her Brazilian maracan cornhole last night , and believe me her hips don't lie.
by jpfister October 30, 2020
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When you place the handle of

a maracas in a Brazilian woman's anus so when she shakes her hips you hear the shakers
Shakira came by the house and played her brazilian maracan cornhole last night , and her hips didn't lie.
by jpfister October 30, 2020
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