2 definitions by josiahgaming33

Anyone who does any of the following things during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

-Refuses to wear a mask

-Refuses to social distance

-Sets up parties or other non-essential gatherings during the pandemic

-Calls out or attacks others for following CDC regulations

-Does not cancel any and all travel plans if they test positive

-Refuses to Quarantine if they test positive

-Refuses to get tested if they show flu-like symptoms

-Attempts to undermine the deaths COVID has caused

-Claims that COVID is part of a grand government conspiracy

-Claims that hospitals are faking COVID deaths

-Harasses hospital workers who attempt to treat them who have tested positive (yes, people were doing this)

-Defends any other Plague Rats

-Uses the subreddits r/NoNewNormal, r/conspiracy, or r/CoronavirusCirclejerk unless for trolling purposes

-Compares COVID restrictions to any totalitarian regimes, past or current

-Refuses to take the COVID vaccine

-Tries to make the claim that vaccines are not safe and not effective

-Refuses to work at home if they can

-Claims that COVID restrictions infringe on their constitutional rights
Sane person 1: Wow, look at that stupid Plague Rat refusing to wear a mask!
Plague Rat: iTs oUr pErSoNaL fReEdOoMs yOu sHeEp!!11!
Sane person 2: Wow, you're an idiot
by josiahgaming33 December 28, 2021
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A kid who was born from 2003-2012
2010s kids will be nostalgic for things like Minecraft, Youtube, Memes, as well as numerous Cartoon Network shows like Adventure time or Amazing World of Gumball
2010s kids grew up in an era of technology, so they’ll also be nostalgic for things like Netflix, Windows 10, maybe discord.
A lot of 2010s kids also remember the Minecraft youtuber Stampylonghead, because he was a very popular youtuber in 2013-2015.

Contrary to popular belief, 2010s kids still go outside, but also grow up with technology.
My friend is a 2010s kid. He was born in 2005. He is nostalgic for Minecraft and his favorite show as a kid was Adventure time.
by josiahgaming33 August 8, 2020
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