56 definitions by jojo

She is typically a large snob who thinks she is above every body else. She is one of the most popular people you will ever meet. You can see her on the runway and all over the internet.
Wow, look at her. She is so snotty and popular. She must be a Makenzie.
by jojo December 18, 2014
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Cap, a take on the ever popular "Jap" (Jewish American Princess), is simply a Christian girl raised in a jewish envrionment who wants nothing more than to be jewish. She owns the usual Jewish clothing staples- Juicy, Kate Spade, Seven Jeans, Citizens of Humanity, Coach, Louis Vutton, etc. etc. She straighens our her already basically straight hair, unlike that of her jewish, curly haired counterparts. She is taller than the average jew, and wishes to be slightly shorter so she too could smash her feet into 4 in heels and not tower over NJB's (nice jewish boys). Jewish mothers accept these women like they would a JAP, and reconize them as one of their own. These women will marry Jews, and assimilate into Jewish society by converting and raising proper whiney jewish children.
OMG, that girl is so Cappy, shes almost as Jappy as Rachel!
by jojo February 23, 2005
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fannybit is a rabbit with a fanny stuck to its face and its tail is a leg and its lefy eye is a fag
that guy looks like as "fannybit" lets go shoot him with cross bows.
by jojo February 23, 2005
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My Definition is a belief is so strong that I am so powerful even more powerful than god
I am paronaid of all things and make sure all my phones are not tapped
I say bring it on to take over the world
Any one standing in my way is un patrotic
I am to powerful for my boots
Bring it on we can take the world
I hear voices
You know I am god and he made me do it
by jojo August 2, 2004
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When a man defecates on a woman's chest and has sex with her breasts using the excrement as lubricant.
The man and woman had to shower intensely after they both did the dirty pickle.
by jojo March 4, 2004
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a talentless no good piece of crap. God knows how this chick got famous, she cant sing and her songs suck. Her personality is stupid , she acts like a little girl or a ditz half the time. Whats the fuss over her? She isnt even that attractive. Girls in my town are far better lookin than her. Her tits sag, she has a unnatractive face ( always has ) go check out the mickey mouse club from her younger years, she was a ugly little girl even then, she looks like a average chick at best, you guys are just fools because you see her when shes all made up or in a airbrushed photo. Check out the second pic on this site with no make up job or airbrushing, THE REAL PHOTO snapped when she wasnt looking or all done up. - thats what she really looks like. CRAP. I dont know why dudes make fuss over her, i wouldnt do her. I am sick of hearing about her and her exploits and publicity stunts, I wish she would just go away FOREVER. I like talented musicians not crap like her.
Britney Spears cant sing and she dont look that hot either, Take a hike Britney. The world would be better off without your whiney crap and terrible singing.
by jojo February 27, 2005
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The lowest quality of a person, place or thing.

A carry-over from a Simpsons episode in which Lisa wants to purchase an Ikea knock-off, and Marge says "why don't you get this instead?" Lisa replies, "but Mooom, that's Klooge Brand. Pupla is way better!" So therefore, if Pupla is the best brand, Klooge would be second, ergo, Ass Brand would be the worst.
She stole my sale, that bitch is sooo Ass Brand!
by jojo July 21, 2004
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