16 definitions by jib slice

Term used to describe a condition in a resort community where persons from the East Coast have invaded a particular area, town or region and changed the attitudes and living conditions negetively for that area.
Bumper sticker: "My J-Hole Has a East Infection"
by jib slice May 11, 2010
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A Pipe Rat refers to a person who spends an stupid amount of time in the half pipe snowboarding or skiing.

Snowboard Pipe Rats are easily spotted by their tall tee's, pants hanging half-way off their asses, dude-speak, and the inability to ski or ride on the big mountain. Exposure to Pipe Rats can lead to decreased ambition, severe dude-tude and a general lack of skills on the rest of a ski hill.
I don't know what's funnier, the way that Pipe Rat is dressed, or the fact that he has a haircut that makes him look like Bruno?
by jib slice May 13, 2010
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