3 definitions by jedipants

the act of verbal ego stroking entered into by groups of people who think that taking ecstasy somehow makes them superior to others
(v):“I had to leave the party all the e-tards were e-jaculating all over each other”
(n):“e-jaculation is the e-ville epidemic of our age”
by jedipants September 28, 2003
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someone who markets ecstacy as a spiritual in order to have sex with minors
He is e-ville
by jedipants August 29, 2003
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the act of verbal ego stroking entered into by groups of people who think that taking ecstasy somehow makes them superior to others
(v):“I had to leave the party all the e-tards e-jaculating all over each other was making me ill”
(n):“e-jaculation is the e-ville epidemic of our age”
by jedipants September 28, 2003
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